Home Eh-Jie Ginger Lily Rice Dumplings

Eh-Jie Ginger Lily Rice Dumplings

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Eh-Jie Ginger Lily Rice Dumplings inherited the good old taste through 60 years. Combined with mom's memorial recipe and mother in law's professional deep fry skill, the root from ginger lily and organic plant extraction tech produced ginger powder to replace MSG, we made our rice dumplings in a standard operation procedure. Without MSG, presevatives  and artificial additives, we have selected ingredients, local produced mushrooms, black pig pork, preserved vegetables and ginger powder with fried glutinous rice, first cook with steam and packed with ginger leaves and pulrush. Steam in steamer for ten minutes with ginger and wood fragrance infiltrate into the rice, making unique rice dumplings. Features: small, MSG-Free, low fat, non sauce, digestion friendly, and no flatulence. We replaced fat meat with lean meat, lowered fat and calories, combines tradition with innovation, fully meets the health demands of modern consumers. The concept we insist: breakthroughs in quality, sanitation, health and package. It is the trust of our customers that built our reputation, which made us a must-buy souvenior in Neiwan, a natural and healthy rice dumplings. Under the mindful craftsmanship and their teachings, our ginger lily rice dumpling had set up a firm bas, and we extend with the ingredients, selected white rice, red rice, black rice and grains, invented tri-colour ginger lily rice dumplings. In addition to rice aroma, you can also feel the sweet smell of the jinger flower, it is the only rice dumpling in Neiwan old streets.

Address 312台灣新竹縣橫山鄉中正路39號
Phone 03-5849105
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