老台北遠離塵囂巷弄裡的沙龍,舊物,茶水,黑膠唱片,還有你 A cosy Vinyl salon in the alley of old Taipei district with vinyl records, vintage items, coffee and tea, also a safe space for ladies to enjoy a drink alone.
老台北遠離塵囂巷弄裡的沙龍,舊物,茶水,黑膠唱片,還有你 A cosy Vinyl salon in the alley of old Taipei district with vinyl records, vintage items, coffee and tea, also a safe space for ladies to enjoy a drink alone.
주소 | 103台灣台北市大同區迪化街一段72巷8弄2號 |
Phone | 0955-669-518 |
opening time |