飛比樂成立於2004年的台北永康商圈。 我們用心蒐羅毛孩吃喝玩樂的好東西,將商品特點以客觀的角度分析,幫每隻寶貝挑選適合牠們的好東西。店內盡可能挑選“有機、天然、無添加”的良食好物。 除了實體門市門市,我們還是: ★日本鮮食權威 「須崎恭彥」醫師所創- APNA寵物食育協會在台食育士資格培育機構 ★國際知名犬類行為專家「吐蕊魯格斯」推薦- 義大利Haqihana經典手工胸背的台灣總代理 ★EASF法式科學芳香療法台北認定校 FORPET set up its operation office and main sales point at the Taipei Dongmen Yongkang Business Circle in 2004. We attentively select only the best things for your loved pets’ daily eating, drinking, and playing. We carefully and objectively analyze the characteristics of the products, in order to find the most suitable one for your loved pets. In FORPET, you will find nothing but organic, natural, and no artificial additives with only very few exceptions.