Home hihsanhang Museum of Archaeology

hihsanhang Museum of Archaeology

Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology is the first museum dedicated to archaeology. It was built in an effort to protect level two ancient monument “Shihsanhang Archeological Site”.

Store information

The Shihsanhang Archeological Site is a culture existed 1800 to 500 years ago during the Iron Ages of Taiwan. According to scholars, they might have shared similar lineage to Ketagalan People of the plain aborigines. In 1998, the government commissioned the museum around the archeological site to preserve the ruins and educate visitors on the Shihsanhang culture. A “history sky-bridge” within the museum was built to offer space for special exhibits, and offers visitors an experience to the past to learn more about the Shihsanhang culture and its influence to Taiwan.

The museum, through various entertaining methods, details the sites’ importance of Shihsanhang culture discovery. It allows us to have a peek into what life was about a millennium ago. Periodically, there are exhibits on the history of Tamsui river. The special exhibits are more relaxed in nature, offers visitors abundance in knowledge and entertainment. It is the perfect way to inspire children’s interest in history.

 (Information provided by Travel Taipei / Tourism Bureau)

Address 200 Bowuguan Road, Bali District, New Taipei City (New Taipei City Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)
Phone 02-26191313
opening time
Remark 開放時間為:
(一) 每週一至週五:上午9時30分至下午5時整。
(二) 每週六、日及國定假日:上午9時30分至下午6時整。
(一) 每月第一個星期一為休館日,若適逢國定假日照常開放,隔日休館。
(二) 農曆除夕、年初一、政府公告之天然災害停止上班日。
(三) 其他必要之休館日將另行公告。
(四) 113年休館日:1/2、2/5、2/9(除夕)、2/10(初一)、3/4、4/1、5/6、6/3、7/1、8/5、9/2、10/7、11/4、12/2。
