Home Nong Nong Hsiang Egg Rolls

Nong Nong Hsiang Egg Rolls

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he Neiwan Old Street in Henshang, Hsinchu is featuring with white ginger lilies as local characteristic. The Nong-Nong-Hsiang Egg Rolls at Neiwan Train Station had fresh fragments of ginger lilies mixed into batter; the handmade egg rools full with frageance and ginger lily inside is the proud product of Neiwan and tasty treasure of tourists all over the world. We have other products in our shop, like fried ginger lilies, with the most tender and aromatic ginger flowers, covered this special recipe frying powder,which made the best crispy fried ginger lilies chips and has a soft texture inside. We also have fried king oyster mushrooms, ice cream, popsicles and some special flavoured drinks, and each of them is something you'll never missed when visiting Neiwan.

Address 312台灣新竹縣橫山鄉中正路8號
Phone 03-5849856/0963-054856
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